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Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "The Benefits of Sunscreen". For most people, wearing sunscreen has become second nature. It’s almost instinctual at this point to slop it on before heading outside. Yet despite the importance of protecting skin from harmful UV rays, many people don’t know what they’re doing when it comes to applying sunscreen properly. Today, at your fingertips are over-the-counter sunscreens, makeup foundations with SPF built in, and videos on the Internet showing you how to best apply sunscreen. However, very few of these sources are backed by science. For example, slathering it on isn’t enough to protect skin from the damage that UV rays can do. There’s an important difference between the amount of time that sunscreen is applied over the day and how much protection it provides against UV rays. It’s critical to be consistent in applying it correctly; too much or too little won’t give you what you want or need out of your sunscreen (more protection or less sticky/oily). If you’re interested in learning the basics of applying sunscreen, read on. All of the following are tips that are backed by science. Sunscreen should be applied in small amounts so it doesn’t leave an oily or sticky film on skin. It should also be reapplied numerous times throughout the day. As mentioned earlier, slathering sunscreen on too much can actually increase your exposure to harmful UV rays. For example, if you have primer underneath your foundation that has SPF built into it, then too much sunscreen will seep into the pores of that product and expose you to more UV rays than necessary. http://www. com/biz/the-hyatt-regency-scottsdale-resort-and-spa-scottsdale!/Hyatt%20Scottsdale%20Resorts%20and%20Spas http://www.marquis. cfa1e77820


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